Spiritual Teaching

Spiritual Teaching Sessions

-Online Booking Below


Teaching Sessions:


Learn the proper way to meditate and how meditation can change and bring happiness to your life. Learn about when is the best time to meditate, how it can help you tap into your intuition, and clear away resistant energy. Life is about being happy and the best way to raise your vibration is through meditation.

Develop Your Psychic Abilities

We are all psychic! Learn how to tap into your intuition and different techniques you can use to strengthen your abilities. Learn about remote viewing, psychometry, telepathy, and more. Remember that anything is possible.

Develop Your Spirit Contact Abilities

Anyone can connect to spirit. Sometimes you may even be doing so and not even realize it. Let go of any fear and embrace the pure positive energy and love of spirit. Learn the techniques that make connecting easier and how to be receptive to energy.

Open Session Q&A

This is your time to ask any questions to an experienced psychic medium or talk about challenges or experiences you may be going through. This is a good option of individual teaching, to help you find your direction.


  • $150 for Individual Teaching Session 60 minutes
  • $385 for 4 Session Bundle (Save $215)

Zoom Sessions Only

  • All appointments are EST.
  • Remote only appointments. Quality of the appointment is the same whether in person, or remote.
  • Zoom links are sent through email and also as a calendar invite to make it more convenient to find since most appointments are 1-2 weeks out.
  • Links are usually sent 1-2 days after the appointment is booked.

Disclaimer: The services provided by Lisa Bagnall are for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information that Lisa gives you, including any actions you take, is down to your own personal responsibility and choice. All services and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. Lisa’s services are not a substitute for professional services, and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert. All clients must be 18 years of age or older to receive any service provided by Lisa Bagnall.

Cancellation Policy: I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. Please be kind and let me know if you are not going to make your appointment and to reschedule. If you don’t communicate and don’t show up, you pay for the session.

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